PT Company Guestbook

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Viewing messages 361 to 380.
tekka |
just become the proud owner of my pt love it ,does turn heads
3 January 2012 - west midlands ,england

Robin Day
I own an X reg 2000, 2 litre limited edition PT cruiser, there is a problem with our car in that: the interior lights do not work via button controls on indicator stalk or via door switches, the radio will not work, the low petrol alarm sound will not work, but the indicator light still comes on, the headlight alarm (for when you leave lights on does not work) and when you take the key out of the ignition the gauge needles jump around and finally when the car is running, where the mileage counter is it will display a message saying no fuse, but we have checked all the fuses on the car and they are all fine we are just wondering if there is a common fault that would affect all these problems and if so is there a way to fix it? We would appreciate any help given, thank you
30 December 2011 - England

Jon |
Wife loves her Christmas present. 2.2CRD Limited in black. She has wanted one for ages.
27 December 2011 - Newcastle Emlyn, Wales

20 December 2011 - NOTTINGHAM ENGLAND

Vincent Van Horn |
Just bought my wife a SURF BLUE PEARL PT Cruiser this past Friday. SHE LOVES IT!!! I do too. What a sharp looking machine. Well equipped, too! Glad to be a part of the world PT CRUISER community
19 December 2011 - Mauldin, South Carolina, USA

collado stephane |
cela fait 2 fois que j'utilise ce site. j'en suis vraiment satisfait. merci .
18 December 2011

Derek Samson |
Excellent service as ever ordered struts on a sunday here on a tuesday.And a fraction of the price i was quoted at a local garage the same garage that quoted £80 before vat standard charge for a 5 minute job!! pt company you rock
17 December 2011 - N/E Scotland

John Hewson
Thanks Guys !! For the help you gave me in getting the right part for my PT , Multi-Function switch works great ! All the chrome parts look good quality . Delivered in 10 days to New Zealand , Not bad ! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
14 December 2011 - New Zealand

Malcolm Hoffman |
Just got my 2002 cruiser wanted one since first came out. Placed my first order with your conpany very pleased with the speed of delivery and the qualitly of my order will be puting in more orders GREAT.
12 December 2011 - Birmingham UK

giangi20 |
come si sostituiscono lampade del quadro strumentazione e cruscotto? grazie.
9 December 2011 - genova, italia

Diego |
La frizione del mio pt scende a vuoto e non e possibile inserire le marce. Quali pezzi di ricambio devo acquistare? Grazie Diego
8 December 2011 - Brescia ITALIA

Tariq |
just recently purchased a PT happy with it in the next 2 weeks it will be going for a taxi test in lincolnshire, ive already informed my customers they are quite pleased with this, hopefully will get some pics posted soon, ps does anyone know if the 2.2 Diesel 2003 models are chain driven or cam belt? if chain driven is that correct you never have to replace it ?
4 December 2011 - England UK

Thought I better add a little something here.I LOVE MY PT CRUISER!!! Really wasn't taken with them when they first came out, but since buying my scarlett beauty 4 months ago I am totally smitten!! What a fantastic car, drives like heaven and looks superb especially since adding the bodyline chrome strip.looks fantastic now. 2nd order coming shortly for lots more shiny bits!!! I am just so proud to become a PT Cruiser owner!! All I want to do is cruise along Route 66 now Great service from PT COMPANY too.Many Thanks xx
4 December 2011 - NOTTINGHAM, UK

steve schranz |
hey ,just got a 54 plate pt today and when i use thr right indcater the light at the front bottom 1s come on is this normal , also when i switch lights on all things go out inside the car ,ie; mileage display and the compass display
3 December 2011 - ross on wye ; herefordshire , england

Excellent service nice friendly correpondence one of the best companies i have ever delt with a must for any pt cruiser owner
26 November 2011 - Greenock Scotland

Got my parts sent by the pt company.Great service,thanks.
19 November 2011 - England

Just got my pt cruiser two weeks ago.What a great car alround.
13 November 2011 - England

debijaine williams |
just purchased a 2003 pt cruiser classic crd.spent lots of money on chrome parts.will never be rich but will have a beautiful car!!!
30 October 2011 - doncaster. uk

pulin fabien |
thank you for your service . you are of a rare skill my pt are very beautifull with your chrome
22 October 2011 - bordeaux france

Linda Smith |
I have just made my 3rd order with pt company and I must say I can't fault the service, my previous two orders were delivered to me in Spain within 4 days including the weekend, amazing, hope its the same this time. By the way, if any of my windows on my beautiful Ptcruiser were every broken (God forbid) where would I get replacements, as I have heard that they're hard to get, many thanks Linda x
20 October 2011 - Spain

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